— SANJI WEEK day 1: memories naturally, as the prompt is "memories", i just thought of baby sanji. yknow, memories and past. i have drawn a young sanji before with a rat which i thought of doing again... however, i decided not to. instead, i did sanji in the rain on his way to see mother sora. i think young sanji is SO wholesome and adorable. i am not sure if i am the BEST at drawing kids, but i think it works here. I AM SO PROUD of the colors here. i mean, i say that a lot, but i geniunely think this is my best coloring as of date. i hope i can do all the sanji week prompts, but i cannot guarantee i'll put the same amount of effort into each one lol. I'M JUST HAPPY IT'S SANJI'S BDAY SOON. 😭😭 i'm going to be so annoying for this week. BAHAHAHAHHAA SANJI 😈😈😈 #sanjiweek #sanjiweek2025