bepo but like hatsune miku ??!! 😨 happy halloweenies. may your weenies be hallo. this is my part of @amourrie_art 's halloween art collab. i checked many of the other people's artworks and they're all so fun and cool !! :D like, the backgrounds and details on some of them are so chef's kiss. so blessed to be apart of this collab. admittedly, this is my first ever one so yay !! APPLE SAUCE i will be honest... picking bepo was like such a challenge. like, MANNNNN did i go through all the stages of grief in the process of this BAHAHAHA. it's alright though. it's kinda messy, but i like the oranges and blues put into this. :P overall, i am satisfied. and i think i am genius for the miku idea because it was either miku bepo or fairy bepo.